The Food Safety Company

Healthy food options – Is you business prepared?

Health and well being is a huge trend within the food industry. With so many Irish people embracing a healthier, more active lifestyle, interest in and demand for healthier foods has peaked and it’s growth is likely to continue.


Many food buinesses are responding to consumer demand for healthier food choices, by examining food trends, and giving their food offerings a “healthy makeover” by including superfoods, trialling new cooking methods, and offering healthy choices on their menu’s.

These businesses are likely to benefit from their actions even further in December of this year, when the legislation will change and the calorie content of each menu item must be declared. This will create an environment where the consumer can make a fully informed decision in terms of the calorie content of their choices, and businesses must be prepared in terms of the effect this legislation will have on their business, whether positive or negative. Will the demand for unhealthy options such as breakfast rolls continue, when the customers  see it contains an average of 1,200 calories?

Changing consumer demand coupled with changes to legislation can prevent the prediction of an impending obesity crisis from becoming reality. In some European countries the trend is already flattening off thanks to preventive measures.

The Food Safety Company have developed a new Food Trends and Calorie Posting Course which will provide learners with an understanding of current food trends and how an existing food offering can be tailored to meet consumer demand. Our qualified Nutritionist will offer expert advice on how to enhance the nutritional content of your food offerings, without negatively impacting on flavour or cost.

Our Food Safety and Labelling experts will educate businesses on what they can do to ensure compliance with the upcoming changes in legislation without incurring large costs. Attendees will gain a technical understanding on carrying out menu calorie counts using an FSAI approved calorie counting tool.


Further information on this course can be found by clicking here

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